There is now a raging global debate around attempts by the international community to counter what ‘consensus’ science has declared to be catastrophic climate change due to human activities. Gerondeau demonstrates the absurdity of the counter-measures to which the G8 countries are now committed. These complex and formidably expensive measures: • will be nullified by the actions of China and India, where such restrictions are economically and politically unfeasible • will have no discernible effect on the carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere and climate change • make no sense in the light of the impending exhaustion of hydro-carbon sources within the coming century • will come to be viewed as a scarcely credible response to a global delusion amid harmless shifts in climate. Having sold over 10,000 copies in France, under the title CO2 Un Mythe Planétaire, the author has brought his work fully up to date for the English edition. The endorsements of Nigel Lawson and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing speak volumes for the authority of this work.