Pure Contract Trusts are not new; in point of fact they're very old being first conceived by Aristotle of Ancient Rome who created a trust to hold the lands and possessions of his learning institution. The knowledge of these very useful trusts has been obscured because the government, wanting to be capable of controlling everything, has done everything in its power to obscure knowledge of their construction and operation. Laws on both the federal and state levels have been passed to create a layer of bureaucracy over the top of the contract trust; a type of trust which is inviolate (cannot be broken by the courts or any other enforcement agency) because they are protected by dozens of supreme court rulings and the federal and all state constitutions alike! This “Pure Contract Trust Manual” is presented in three volumes. Volume I provides you with a background on Pure Contract Trusts; a Road map Through the Asset Protection Maze. Volume II gives you the Legal Foundations of Pure Contract Trusts, providing all of the case law and reasoning behind it. Volume III provides you with all of the forms, formats, and procedures to Build and Operate your Trust. YOU NEED ALL THREE VOLUMES TO PROPERLY UNDERSTAND, BUILD, OPERATE, AND PROTECT YOUR TRUST.