Lotto Master Book of NumbersWheeling lotto numbers is fun!The odds of actually winning the lottery range from one in 179 million, to one in 292 million, depending on the game you play. This element immediately moves playing the lottery from a way to make money into an entertainment or recreational activity.Yet I still find playing the lottery fascinating. And I still hold to the dream that someday I will play a winning ticket that will instantly turn me into a millionaire.In my book. Lotto Master Book of Numbers, I explain what lotto wheels are and how to use them. I also describe 26 strategies to pick potentially winning lotto numbers.Addition StrategyDecade Reduction StrategyDelta Lottery Number Reduction StrategyDouble Digits StrategyDowsing StrategyElapse Time Trend Analysis StrategyEliminate Some Numbers StrategyFlipping Coins StrategyHalf or Double StrategyHigh and Low StrategyHot and Cold Numbers StrategyLast Digits StrategyLast Three Games StrategyMultiple/Division StrategyOdds and Evens StrategyPooling StrategyPosition (Sector Analysis) StrategyRepeaters StrategyReverse Digits StrategySequential StrategySequential Leapfrog StrategySequential Leapfrog, Centered StrategySequential Odd/Even StrategySpecial Software StrategyThirds StrategyTracking Numbers StrategyWhether you choose your numbers using one of the strategies in my book, or by some other means. You could potentially play 1,940 6-number lotto plays if you played all of the plays from all of the wheels contained in this book. The good news is, my lotto wheel software automatically distributes the numbers that you chose to play for you, based on the wheels you select. The software takes seconds to perform the work that would have taken hours and hours if done manually. In the back of the book there is a link to access the free software offer.Play only what you can afford to lose, have fun, and you never know. You could be the next instant millionaire, for after all someone will be… why not you!To your success in life and in playing the lottery!Rob Sutton